Dark Skies - A Godwars MUD Wiki


Dark-elves, or Drow, are the race of elves that were banished from the surface world and now live underground in what's known as The Underdark. They have dark skin, white or otherwise pale hair, and a majority of them are evil, harboring great resentment toward their elven cousins and a general dislike of the surface. Although smaller and frailer than humans, they have a great affinity for using and resisting magic. They worship the Queen of Spiders, Lloth, as their goddess, and she has rewarded them with several spider-like abilities for their loyalty. Living in a matriachal society, it is very rare to see males come to power of any kind. Drow society is divided into three classes, or castes. Warriors, Mages, and Clerics (sometimes called Priests).


Upon choosing Drow as your class, the first (and absolutely most important) thing you should do is pick which caste you wish to play as. This is done by typing "grant self <warrior/mage/cleric>".

Drow powers are obtained by killing mobs for class points and then using the "grant" command ( grant <target> <power> )

  • Drowsight - Heightened senses. Allows you to see invisible and hidden mobs/players, and in dark rooms. Does NOT allow you to see into a room another drow (or spider droid) has darkened.
  • Drowshield - Shields your aura from others
  • Levitation - Flying, no need to gem for it. (automatic)
  • Darkness - Your hiding ability. Turns the room you're in dark. The Globe of Darkness moves with you. Others can remove it with faerie fog.
  • Drowpoison - "Favour to grant poison & immunity (automatic)"
  • Drowfire - Improved faerie fire. Warriors have the weakest version, mages have the strongest.
  • Garotte - Melee middy, REQUIRES A WHIP to use.
  • Dgarotte - Dark Garotte, opening attack. Requires darkness to be active, and out of combat.
  • Spiderarms - More arms to increase parry/attack speed. Also provides a third/fourth weapon slot while in Spiderform.
  • Drowhate - Increases damcap. Appears to be based on status, more status gives a higher increase. Must deactivate and reactivate it to get the updated boost after gaining status.
  • Spiderform - Mutate into a giant mutant spider. Unfortunately, you don't shoot webs out of your butt.
  • Web - Point your finger at the victim and shoot them with a web. Absolutely wonderful for classes that leave the room to attack.
  • Confuse - Confuses your opponent, causing them to flee. Rarely useful.
  • Glamour - Ability to change the short/long descriptions of items, as well as the name. (Origination - Drow make beautiful Adamantite weapons and armor, but these items would lose their powers and eventually decay in the sunlight.)
  • Earthshatter - Causes an earthquake that damages everything in the room. Deals one hit to each target, damage seems to count as melee and is modified by hr/dr and not psyche.
  • Toughskin - Reduces damage taken.
  • Speed - Increases attack speed (hit roll).
  • Darktendrils - Summons tendrils of darkness to strike your foes automatically. Has a very high hit chance.
  • Fightdance - "Use your opponent's servants against them."


There are three castes in the Drow society, Warriors, Mages, and Clerics. The Clerics are generally considered to be the top caste, since they commune with Lloth more than the other two castes. There is some debate about the rankings of Warriors and Mages, although Warriors are generally considered to be the lowest ranking caste.






