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The quest command allows you to spend a small amount of quest points to add minor enhancements to low-level gear:

- - - - - - - - - - ----====[ QUEST ITEM COSTS ]====---- - - - - - - - - - -

Create: Creates a new personalized object, costing between 10 and 50 QP.
Name/Short/Long: Rename the object. 1 QP for all three.
Addname: add keywords to object name. 1 QP.
Protection: Sets AC on armour at 1 QP per point.
Min/Max: Sets min/max damage on weapon at 1 QP per point.
Weapon: Sets weapon type for 10 QP.
Extra (add/remove): Glow(1/1), Invis(1/1), Anti-Good(1/10), Anti-Neutral(1/10), Anti-Evil(1/10), Loyal(10/1),
Wear: Select location, costs 20 QPs.  Type 'quest <obj> wear' to see locations.
Transporter: Future transportation to that room. Costs 50 QP.
You-in/You-out/Other-in/Other-out: Renames for transporter actions.
You-wear/You-remove/You-use: What you see when you wear/remove/use.
Other-wear/Other-remove/Other-use: What others see when you wear/remove/use.
Hp, Mana, Move............ max =  25 each, at   5 quest points per point.
Hitroll, Damroll.......... max =   5 each, at  30 quest points per point.
Psyche.................... max =   5 each, at  30 quest points per point.
Ac........................ max = -25,      at  10 quest points per point.

- - - - - - - - - - ----====[ QUEST ITEM COSTS ]====---- - - - - - - - - - -

